Wednesday 1 November 2017

Can Jesus Do It?

In my internet wanderings I have come across several “former Christians” that I personally see as never truly having surrendered all to Jesus, never having completely confessed their inability to save themselves, and humbly receive the finished work and thereby sealed by Him forever, justified and sanctified by that mysterious union that can only happen through a complete spiritual rebirth. Why then, considering all these many whom I have encountered who also have fallen away, do I feel a special torment and suffering for Alice?

That is a question that I have been asking myself and the Lord for quite some time, and the reason I came back to it here these last couple of weeks is for that exact same reason.

Thankfully, Frank’s comment on my other blog shook the answer loose in my thoughts which kept me going in a circle with this. Thank you Frank, for being so...Frank, lol.

Frank said (among other things) that perhaps the Church had somehow let people like Alice down, allowing her to “slip through the cracks” and there’s the rub. I believe that deep down I think that I am responsible for having let her down by not preventing her from slipping through those cracks, or perhaps even in my flesh, my sinful mortality, saying or doing something that pushed her away from The Truth, the one she claims to still be seeking after.

 In a comment to another blogger I suggested that we won’t change the evil we see all around us but need to take Jesus at His word that He will make everything beautiful in His time, and to continue to rail against all the things we see as wrong does nothing to change it. I need to take my own advice. I need to trust that Jesus HAS THIS under His control as well. I pray for Alice and her family that has been suffering as a result of her “transformation”, and pray that I can honestly let this go and leave her to Jesus to deal with her truly. Amen.

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